COVID-19 Policy for the 2022 RYR-1 International Family Conference
Updated May 19, 2022
The RYR-1 Foundation’s “COVID-19 Policy for the 2022 RYR-1 International Family Conference” is based on current guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the state of Pennsylvania, Allegheny County, the host venue, and The RYR-1 Foundation’s COVID-19 advisory committee. Please note that the guidance and this policy may change between now and the conference.
To attend the Family Conference and related events, The RYR-1 Foundation requires all eligible attendees to be fully vaccinated* against COVID-19 by July 1, 2022. Eligibility criteria are based on CDC guidelines and currently include individuals who are at least five years old. All individuals will be asked to provide documentation of their vaccination status at the time of online registration and, if necessary, by July 1, 2022.
All individuals will be required to wear masks (covering their nose and mouth) during the Family Conference and related events. This includes anyone two years of age and older. A list of approved masks can be found at: In addition, The RYR-1 Foundation will have approved masks for all attendees at the Family Conference.
If you have signs/symptoms of COVID-19 immediately before or during the Family Conference, you should not attend the Family Conference. For a list of common signs/symptoms of COVID-19, please see:
If an attendee feels that a pre-existing medical condition should preclude their need to be in compliance with the masking portion of this policy, a “medical exemption” request must be submitted by June 1, 2022 to Nicole Becher ( This “medical exemption” request should include a letter from a licensed medical provider stating the reasons for the mask exemption.
By attending the Family Conference, attendees are indicating their compliance with this policy.
This policy has been approved by The RYR-1 Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board and Board of Directors.
*Per CDC guidelines, “fully vaccinated” is defined as: Two weeks after the second dose in a two-dose series, such as the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines; or two weeks after the single-dose J&J/Janssen vaccine .