Improving the Lives of Individuals with RYR-1-Related Diseases

Thank you for supporting The RYR-1 Foundation! There are many ways you can make a donation to The RYR-1 Foundation, including credit cards, checks, securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.), and donor-advised funds (DAF).
Copies of the Foundation’s Form 990 Tax Information Statements can be found HERE.
The financial information of The RYR-1 Foundation may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Our Impact
Million Dollars Raised
Million Dollars in Funded Research Grants
The RYR-1 Foundation International Family Conferences
How Your Donation Helps

How Your Donation Helps
Due to the support of our many generous benefactors, The RYR-1 Foundation’s work has led to important breakthroughs in scientific knowledge. In addition, The RYR-1 Foundation has formed a worldwide community of affected individuals who can find comfort and support in the knowledge that they are not alone and that our organization now exists to help them.
The need for treatments or a cure is urgent. With your support, The RYR-1 Foundation can continue to fund world-renowned scientists, expand the RYR-1-RD Community, and make our slogan, “Strength in Numbers,” a reality.