The RYR-1 Foundation is excited to host the second “RYR-1 Virtual Run, Walk, or Roll!” Join us from wherever you are for this special event. The race entry deadline is Sunday, October 24, 2021
The RYR-1 Foundation is excited to host the second “RYR-1 Virtual Run, Walk, or Roll.” Join us from wherever you are for this special event. The race entry deadline is Sunday, October 24, 2021. The race needs to be completed by Sunday, November 7, 2021 (participants can complete their race any time after they sign up). To show #StrengthInNumbersRYR1, please send us video clips and photographs of you completing the race. All files should be emailed to Nicole Becher (Program Director, The RYR-1 Foundation) at nicole@ryr1.org no later than November 7, 2021.* All race t-shirts will be mailed within three weeks of the completion date, November 7, 2021.
If you are unable to participate in the “RYR-1 Virtual Run, Walk, or Roll,” please consider donating to the RYR-1 Foundation and/or purchasing an official race t-shirt from the race store. Due to shipping restrictions, The RYR-1 Foundation will only be able to mail t-shirts purchased via registration or the store to US residents.
If you would like to create a race team, or if you have any questions, please reach out to Nicole Becher (Program Director, The RYR-1 Foundation) at nicole@ryr1.org.
* Please note: By sending videos and photographs, you give The RYR-1 Foundation permission to share these files in our marketing materials (including, but not limited to, social media accounts and website).
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Weisman Children’s
Voorhees Pediatric Facility
Admiral Resort Motel
Terra Nova Restaurant