
Welcome to our News web page. Here you will find The RYR-1 Foundation’s monthly newsletters, news/press releases, and pertinent medical journal articles.

There is growing medical literature on RYR-1-Related Diseases (RYR-1-RD). Please email if there are articles that you think would be valuable to post here. The most recent medical journal articles can be found on PubMed below.


PubMed RYR-1-RD Medical Journal Articles

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Authors: Heinz Jungbluth, James J. Dowling, Ana Ferreiro, Francesco Muntoni on behalf of the RYR1 Myopathy Consortium...

Authors: Ori Rokach, Marijana Sekulic-Jablanovic, Nicol Voermans, Jo Wilmshurst, Komala Pillay, Luc Heytens, Haiyan Zhou, Francesco Muntoni, Mathias Gautel, Yoram Nevo, Stella Mitrani-Rosenbaum, Ruben Attali, Alessia Finotti, Roberto Gambari, Barbara Mosca, Heinz Jungbluth, Francesco Zorzato and Susan Treves...

Authors: Gauthier Remiche, Hazim Kadhim, Marc Abramowicz, Nicolas Mavroudakis, Nicole Monnier, Joël Lunardi...

Authors: M. Snoeck, B. G. M. van Engelen, B. Küsters, M. Lammens, R. Meijer, J. P. F. Molenaar, J. Raaphorst, C. C. Verschuuren-Bemelmans, C. S. M. Straathof,L.T.L.Sie, I. F. de Coo, W. L. van der Pol, M. de Visser, H. Scheffer, S. Treves, H. Jungbluth, N. C. Voermans and E.-J. Kamsteeg...

Authors: Marine Cacheuxa, Ariane Bluma, Muriel Sébastien, Anne Sophie Wozny, Julie Brocard, Kamel Mamchaoui, Vincent Mouly, Nathalie Roux-Buisson, John Rendua, Nicole Monniera, Renée Krivosi, Paul Allen, Arnaud Lacour, Joël Lunardi, Julien Fauré and Isabelle Marty...

Authors: Irene Colombo, MD, Mariacristina Scoto, PhD, Adnan Y. Manzur, MD, Stephanie A. Robb, MD, Lorenzo Maggi, MD, Vasantha Gowda, MD, Thomas Cullup, BSc, Michael Yau, PhD, Rahul Phadke, MD, Caroline Sewry, PhD, FRCPath, Heinz Jungbluth, MD, PhD, Francesco Muntoni, MD...


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