
Welcome to our News web page. Here you will find The RYR-1 Foundation’s monthly newsletters, news/press releases, and pertinent medical journal articles.

There is growing medical literature on RYR-1-Related Diseases (RYR-1-RD). Please email if there are articles that you think would be valuable to post here. The most recent medical journal articles can be found on PubMed below.


PubMed RYR-1-RD Medical Journal Articles

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Authors: Sheila Riazi, MD, Natalia Kraeva, PhD, Sheila M. Muldoon, MD, James Dowling, MD, PhD, Clara Ho, MD, Maria-Alexandra Petre, MD, Jerome Parness, MD, PhD, Robert T. Dirksen, PhD, Henry Rosenberg, MD...

Authors: Kelvin Lau, Mandy M. Y. Chan, and Filip Van Petegem...

Authors: Sherin Shaaban, MD, Ph.D.; Leigh  Ramos-Platt, MD; Floyd H. Gilles, MD; Wai-Man Chan, MS; Caroline Andrews, MS; Umberto De Girolami, MD; Joseph Demer, MD, PhD; Elizabeth C. Engle, MD...

Authors: Kimberly Amburgey, Angela Bailey, Jean H Hwang, Mark A Tarnopolsky, Carsten G Bonnemann, Livija Medne, Katherine D Mathews, James Collins, Jasper R Daube, Gregory P Wellman, Brian Callaghan, Nigel F Clarke, and James J Dowling...

Authors: Ruben Attali, Sharon Aharoni, Susan Treves, Ori Rokach, Michal Becker Cohen, Yakov Fellig, Rachel Straussberg, Talya Dor, Muhannad Daana, Stella Mitrani-Rosenbaum, Yoram Nevo...


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