
Welcome to our News web page. Here you will find The RYR-1 Foundation’s monthly newsletters, news/press releases, and pertinent medical journal articles.

There is growing medical literature on RYR-1-Related Diseases (RYR-1-RD). Please email if there are articles that you think would be valuable to post here. The most recent medical journal articles can be found on PubMed below.


PubMed RYR-1-RD Medical Journal Articles

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Authors: John Rendu, Julie Brocard, Eric Denarier, Nicole Monnier, France Piétri-Rouxel, Cyriaque Beley, Nathalie Roux-Buisson, Brigitte Gilbert-Dussardier, Marie José Perez, Norma Romero, Luis Garcia,6 Joël Lunardi, Julien Fauré, Anne Fourest-Lieuvin, and Isabelle Marty...

Authors: Johann Böhm, Nasim Vasli, Edoardo Malfatti, Stéphanie Le Gras, Claire Feger, Bernard Jost, Nicole Monnier, Julie Brocard, Hatice Karasoy, Marion Gérard, Maggie C. Walter, Peter Reilich, Valérie Biancalana, Christine Kretz, Nadia Messaddeq, Isabelle Marty, Joël Lunardi, Norma B. Romero, Jocelyn Laporte...

Rhabdomyolysis is a syndrome characterized by muscle breakdown as the common endpoint of multifactorial etiologies and accounts for up to 7% of all cases of acute renal failure (ARF). The reported annual incidence is 26,000 cases in the United States alone...

Authors: Diana Xerxes Bharucha Goebel, MD, Mariarita Santi, MD, Lıvija Medne, MS, CGC, Kristin Zukosky, BA, Jahannaz Dastgir, DO, Perry B. Shieh, MD, PhD, Thomas Winder, PhD, Gihan Tennekoon, MD, Richard S. Finkel, MD, James J. Dowling, MD, PhD, Nicole Monnier, PhD, Carsten G. Bönnemann, MD...

Authors: Fernando J. Amador, Peter B. Stathopulos, Masahiro Enomoto and Mitsuhiko Ikura...

Authors: Haiyan Zhou, Ori Rokach, Lucy Feng, Iulia Munteanu, Kamel Mamchaoui, Jo M. Wilmshurst, Caroline Sewry,  Adnan Y. Manzur, Komala Pillay, Vincent Mouly, Michael Duchen, Heinz Jungbluth, Susan Treves, and Francesco Muntoni...


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