News & Articles
Welcome to our News & Article web page. Here you will find The RYR-1 Foundation’s monthly newsletters, news/press releases, and pertinent medical journal articles.
There is growing medical literature on RYR-1-Related Diseases (RYR-1-RD). Please email if there are articles that you think would be valuable to post here. The most recent medical journal articles can be found on PubMed below.
Authors: Isabelle Marty, Mathilde Beaufils, Julien Fauré and John Rendu...
Authors: Luuk R. van den Bersselaar, Heinz Jungbluth, Nick Kruijt, Erik-Jan Kamsteeg, Miguel A. Fernandez-Garcia, Susan Treves, Sheila Riazi, Ignacio Malagon, Lucas T. van Eijk, Nens van Alfen, Baziel G. M. van Engelen, Gert-Jan Scheffer, Marc M. J. Snoeck, and Nicol C. Voermans...
Author: Emma Yasinski...
Authors: Hichem Tasfaout, Belinda S. Cowlinga, and Jocelyn Laporte...
Authors: Christoph Bachmann, Martina Franchini, Luuk R. Van den Bersselaar, Nick Kruijt, Nicol C. Voermans, Karlijn Bouman, Erik-Jan Kamsteeg, Karl Christian Knop, Lucia Ruggiero, Lucio Santoro, Yoram Nevo, Jo Wilmshurst, John Vissing, Michael Sinnreich, Daniele Zorzato, Francesco Muntoni, Heinz Jungbluth, Francesco Zorzato, and Susan Treves...
Authors: Qiuling Zhao, Xiaoduo Li, Li Liu, Xu Zhang, Xin Pan, Hong Yao, Yongyi Ma and Bo Tan...